L'Arche Madness FAQs
What does it mean to be a Team Captain?
A Team Captain is someone who wants to support L’Arche by asking their friends and family to join their team! It’s easy and fun (who doesn’t love a basketball-centric competition?) AND you can score a free L’Arche t-shirt if you raise at least $50 (first come, first serve, while supplies last)! AND you can win a Golden Basketball if you recruit the most ‘players’ to your team (or raise the most money, or score the most points, or make your L’Arche spirit the most evident)! I’m super busy. I’d love to support L’Arche but not sure I have the time. How much time does it take? As little as 30 minutes (over a span of a month) to as much time as you want to devote to it (which you may want to do once your competitive side takes over)! The basic ask is:
Anything you do beyond that is extra and just gets you closer to winning the golden basketball! Our Facebook live event on March 27 will take about 45 minutes. What does it mean to ask someone to join my team? Asking someone to join your team means you are asking them to support L’Arche by either making a flat donation or pledging a gift per point scored. Who can I ask to join my team? Anyone! Friends, family, colleagues, people in various groups you belong to (faith community, book clubs, sports teams, etc.) What is the fundraising period? March 1-26 It makes me feel weird to ask people for money. Any tips? When you ask people to join your team, you are asking them to help create places of belonging for people with and without disabilities. Think of it this way: how do you feel when you give to L’Arche or participate in a L’Arche activity? Hopefully it makes you feel happy, joyful, a part of something important, and/or grateful you could do it. When you ask someone to join your team, you are inviting them make a difference and to have that same feeling! I still feel weird. Any more ideas? Ask a friend or a group you are a part of to do it with you! You can have a co-Team Captain(s)! Maybe you co-captain with your spouse, your kid (everyone likes to support a kid raising funds!), your friend, a group from school, or your faith community. Get creative! Anything special I should know about setting up a profile? Have a photo ready! You can add the photo to your profile later, but it might be a tad easier to have it handy. How are points scored? Points are just like a basketball game: baskets are 2 points, unless you are shooting outside the 3-point line, and then it is 3 points. But we're really laid back about this! Remember: this is for fun! Is there a minimum and maximum point amount for each team? Yes, when someone signs up to join your team, Anython (our fundraising portal) lets them know the potential minimum and maximum amount of their donation. Each player will have a minimum of 30 points applied to their final score and a maximum of 70 points. So, if someone pledges $2/point, their gift could be anywhere from $60 - $140. However, flat donations are welcome and we love gifts of all sizes – even $10 makes a difference! What are some methods for asking? Social media, email, in person – and we’d love for you to get creative with your ideas! I have an idea, but not sure how to implement it. What can I do? If you have questions of any kind, we are here to support you! Email Megan at [email protected]. She is happy to brainstorm with you so this is a great experience for you and your social circle! We Need You to be a Team Captain!Signing up to be a Team Captain is an EASY and FUN way to support L'Arche and build community among people with and without disabilities. We'll give you the resources to make it easy! All Team Captains who recruit at least five donors will receive a free t-shirt!